Search Results for: john buck

Michael Jordan Gambling Habits

Michael Jordan is a name that is synonymous with basketball and rightly so. Having won six NBA championships and six MVP Finals awards all while at Chicago

Greatness Score: The Shortstops

Here we are back with the second installment in a series called “Greatness Score,” a system I devised to help rate the candidacy of players for the

How gambling built baseball, and then almost destroyed it

What became known as the “Black Sox Scandal” rocked professional baseball. But it wasn’t an aberration in a sport that was otherwise clean. Baseball became America’s national pastime because of – and not in spite of – gambling.

The Hall of Fame case for Cecil Travis

Cecil Travis spent nearly four years serving in World War II and came back with injured feet after they had froze in the Battle of the Bulge.

The 20 Greatest Dodgers of All-Time

This is the third installment of my “Top 20” series, looking at the top players for a specific franchise based solely on Wins Above Replacement. Quibble if