Search Results for: honus wagner

Most Hits by Batting Order Position

Mickey Doolin was born about 100 miles northwest of Philadelphia. He didn’t have to travel far to become a major league ballplayer. In 1905 he was inserted

Wee Willie Keeler: The Best Bunter in Baseball History

If you could travel back in time to watch the Baltimore Orioles of the 1890s, you would recognize that they were playing baseball, but you would be shocked at the style of play. The bunting of Willie Keeler would amaze you.

1909 World Series Scorecard

The 1909 World Series was important for a few reasons. It pitted two of the greatest stars in baseball at the time, one of them a veteran

Greatness Score: The Shortstops

Here we are back with the second installment in a series called “Greatness Score,” a system I devised to help rate the candidacy of players for the

Was Jeter better than Nomar and ARod?

The career of Derek Jeter is a perfect illustration of the multitude of factors that go into a Hall of Fame discussion. And rightly so. The contemporary

When Hall of Famers made their big league debut

When Juan Marichal stepped on the mound for the first time as a big leaguer, it was the first major league game he had ever seen. Nine innings later, he had made one of the most spectacular debuts in baseball history, and launched a career that would land him in Cooperstown.