Search Results for: chan ho park – Page 3

The Hall of Fame Case for Dick Allen

Allen was a tremendous baseball player who had the misfortune of coming up through an organization that was indelicate about the issue of race.

Brooks Robinson dominated the 1970 World Series both ways

It’s possible that no other position player has ever dominated a World Series to the extent Brooks Robinson did in 1970. That October, Robinson was dazzling in the field and at the plate as the Baltimore Orioles defeated Cincinnati in the Fall Classic.

Joey Votto: The Big Read Machine

What do people want from Joey Votto? The answer to that question will tell you what they think of him. But he doesn’t give a damn.

The Hall of Fame case for Cecil Travis

Cecil Travis spent nearly four years serving in World War II and came back with injured feet after they had froze in the Battle of the Bulge.

The 20 Greatest Dodgers of All-Time

This is the third installment of my “Top 20” series, looking at the top players for a specific franchise based solely on Wins Above Replacement. Quibble if

A Complete History of Batting Stances

If there’s a baseball bat around it’s hard to resist picking it up and taking a stance. We’ve all done it. Some of us who played baseball